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[导读]​随着科学技术的不断发展和进步, 开展上海博迅医疗生物仪器股份有限公司高温高压灭菌器的网络信息管理, 可在有效节约成本的基础上, 进一步提高工作效率, 建构系统化的管控措施和管理机制, 为项目升级奠定坚实基础, 有效保证灭菌器的灭菌质量及监控效果,

随着科学技术的不断发展和进步, 开展高温高压灭菌器的网络信息管理, 可在有效节约成本的基础上, 进一步提高工作效率, 建构系统化的管控措施和管理机制, 为项目升级奠定坚实基础, 有效保证灭菌器的灭菌质量及监控效果, 防止感染, 能在符合现代消毒供应中心规范发展要求的同时, 建立科学客观的评价指标和体系。本文结合案例, 对高温高压灭菌器网络信息管理的内涵和功能进行了集中分析, 并对其质量监测结构展开了讨论, 旨在为研究人员提供更加有价值的参考建议。

With the continuous development of science and technology progress, the network information management to carry out high temperature autoclave, based in cost effective, to further improve the work efficiency, construction control measures and management system, lay a solid foundation for the project to upgrade, effectively ensure the sterilization quality and effect of monitoring and preventing sterilizer can meet the requirements of infection, in the development of modern sterilization and supply center standard at the same time, the establishment of evaluation index system of science and objective. In this paper, the analysis focuses on the connotation and function of the autoclave network information management, and the quality monitoring of structures is discussed, in order to provide more valuable suggestions for researchers.
